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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rubber Resistance Bands Aren't Just for the Office

Rubber is a simple but amazing material. It's used all across the world for huge industrial applications, transportation, office supplies and now even physical fitness. The concept of using rubber as a workout device is simple. Rubber has a natural inert state, but when it is stretched creates a great amount of resistance and potential energy. Working against this energy is similar to lifting a weight against gravity; it helps build muscles and get you into better shape.

Rubber resistance fitness accessories have a few different applications. You can go bare bones and get a pack of rubber resistance bands that are really nothing more than a pack of giant rubber bands. You can be creative and use these for arm workout, leg exercises and a variety of other strength building motions. Other more high tech products like the Braided Xertube provide several different levels of resistance and have handles for greater comfort and flexibility. They also claim to use higher quality materials that will make the bands last much longer than usual.

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