Fit4sale provides all the top commercial brands in the industry such as Cybex, Life Fitness, Stairmaster, Star Trac, Icarian, Bodymaster, Precor and many more. Our company provides equipment and fitness related products for Health clubs, Studios, hotels, rehabilitation facilities, schools and private individuals. If we do not have what you are looking for, we will promise you that we will do our best to find the fitness equipment you need at the lowest possible price.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Choosing a Treadmill for Yourself

A treadmill is an investment…an investment in a piece of fitness equipment, and an investment in your health. As with any investment, it’s a good idea to do your research before spending any money. To get the most for your money, you need to be an informed shopper. What should you know about choosing the best treadmill for you?

What are your fitness goals?

The fitness goals that you wish to achieve should be a big determining factor in choosing a treadmill to buy. For instance, if you are planning to train to run in a marathon, you’re going to need a unit that can withstand a lot of hard, heavy pounding. After all, a lot more impact is created by running than by walking. If you try to train on a treadmill that is really adequate only for walking, the machine will most likely feel wobbly and unstable. All that pounding could also lead to numerous maintenance issues or a short treadmill life.

What is the maximum user weight?

Find out the maximum user weight capacity on any treadmills that interest you. If you or any other users in your household exceed the maximum user weight capacity on those units, move on to another treadmill. To be fully satisfied and to get your money’s worth out of your investment, you really need a treadmill that is heavy enough and sturdy enough to provide comfortable, smooth workouts.

Keep in mind, too, that lighter treadmills are generally not very sturdy and don’t absorb shock too well. They tend to shake and make a lot of noise when in use. A heavier treadmill typically is quieter and smoother and more capable of handling larger users without any problems. Heavier treadmills usually cushion against impact better, as well.

How much can you afford to spend on a treadmill?

Even if you’re on a limited budget, you can get a fairly decent treadmill. However, you need to shop around to find the best bargains available. If money is really tight, and you can only afford to spend a few hundred dollars, you’d be better off holding onto your money and saving up a bit more.

Treadmills that are really cheap are also going to be cheap quality. Basically, you’d be throwing away your money on a machine in that category. For a little more money, though, you can find nicer, more dependable treadmills.

Pay attention to warranties!

A treadmill that has only a 90-day warranty on parts and labor is probably not a very good treadmill. Try to choose an affordable treadmill that comes with at least a one-year warranty on parts and labor. The better the warranty, the better the treadmill is likely going to be.

What features are most important to you?

Low-end treadmill models today often have some great features. The problem with all those features on a cheap machine is that the features probably were added at the cost of better quality. The more features you have on an inexpensive machine, the more parts you have that could potentially break down.

Upright Exercise Bikes

Upright exercise bikes are one of the best choices for your home fitness program. Upright exercise bikes are popular because they are uncomplicated and effective.
They are like a normal bicycle: you sit on a saddle and lean forward as you pedal.

Upright exercise bikes are great for many reasons, but mostly they take up very little room (as compared to some pieces of cardio exercise equipment), and they allow you a great workout without as much impact as many traditional forms of cardiovascular exercise. Best of all, exercise bikes provide all these benefits in a very low impact way. Many of the best exercise bikes are rated for weights of up to 300 to 400 pounds, so finding a good one should not be that much of a problem.

Upright exercise bikes are great for those who like to ride, but are unable to ride a traditional outdoor bike. The new upright exercise bikes are so quiet you'll even be able to watch your favorite television show or listen to your favorite radio program while you ride. Almost all upright exercise bikes include a console which monitors your workout.

Upright Exercise bikes are one of the most popular home fitness machines on the market. These bikes give you an effective workout and promote a healthy lifestyle. One of the best things about exercise bikes is that there is no learning curve.

These bikes more closely resemble a real bicycle than the standard upright stationary exercise bike and are most often used in a group exercise class. In addition, upright exercise bikes can provide an excellent cardiovascular workout, and cardiovascular exercise has been shown time and time again to reduce the occurrence of many of our most serious diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and others.

Most upright exercise bikes provide a way to adjust the intensity of a workout, and this is an especially important factor for those embarking on an exercise routine. Another good way to track your level of fitness is to use the heart rate monitor that is included on many models of upright and recumbent exercise bikes. One of the reasons people buy exercise bikes is because their knees and ankles may not be able to take the pounding from jogging and running.

Finally, upright exercise bikes are small than recumbence and take up less floor space. The upright exercise bikes are taller, and do not have back support, but do allow more body movement than recumbent exercise bikes. You will have fun, enhance your fitness routine and burn calories with exercise bikes.

Our philosophy is to put our customer first, which means manageable and in control of our customers needs. Fit4sale takes pride in providing personalized customer service from meeting your budget to club design and placement of fitness equipment. We have been consulting fitness equipment for over 14 years in the USA, Canada, mexico, Europe, Asia, South America and just about everywhere else people want to get in shape

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rowing Machines

Any type of exercise is good for you, but there are certain exercises that provide a more thorough workout than others. If you had to choose just one exercise or piece of equipment that would provide both cardiovascular and strength training and a load of health benefits it would have to be the indoor rowing machine. This machine simulates the movements of rowing on water and many professional rowers use these machines during their off season in order to keep in shape. There are so many health benefits to be gained by utilizing a rowing machine on a daily basis.

One major benefit of utilizing a rowing machine is the total body workout it provides. In order to operate this machine you have to use both your arms and legs. While the arms push and pull the legs move back and forth. Likewise, as an individual uses the machine other muscles are also worked directly. The muscles of the abdomen are constantly moved because of the back and forth movement of the legs and the pushing and pulling of the arms. Likewise, the muscles of the back receive a thorough workout with the constant movement of the arms. There are very few exercise machines that provide such a thorough exercise. An individual can see an extensive change in the muscle tone in the entire body just by using this machine on a daily basis. A total body workout helps to strengthen the body both inside and out.

Another benefit of using a rowing machine is the heart and lung strengthening this exercise provides. In order to strengthen the heart it is recommended that people exercise for at least 30-60 minutes within 75% of their heart range for physical activity. When using a rowing machine the heart rate accelerates forcing the heart to pump blood faster. This will increase the strength of the heart overtime. Using a rowing machine also helps to increase lung functioning. The exertion of using this machine will make the user breathe heavier resulting in increased lung capacity. An increase in lung capacity allows an individual to breathe deeply and take in more oxygen to be supplied to all areas of the body. So with just thirty minutes of exercise three times a week you can use a rowing machine to increase the strength of your heart and improve the capacity of your lungs.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What about the Aerobic Rider?

When you will be of age then you will definitely realize that your muscle will definitely loose its strength. If you want to keep fit then you definitely need to do the exercises. But the exercises are not easy and we do not really have all the time for that kind of heavy exercise. Hence we use some equipment, such as the aerobic rider.

If you will compare the aerobic rider with the treadmill then you will find out that we are not able to burn as much fat as in case of the tread mill. Hence we can only say that we are in loss when we use the aerobic-rider.

Majority of young people use the aerobic rider but the studies suggest that most of them are not benefited. Yes they are benefited to some extent but not as much as in case of the tread mill.

The main reason why the young people use this exercise machine is that they do not have the time. They indeed want to reduce the weight and fat but the process should be quick and efficient. Hence equipment like the aerobic-rider is in great demand. But when we compare with the tread mill then we definitely find out that there is a huge difference. Let me tell you one thing that this equipment has not succeeded as compared to the other equipment. Hence, the people are going for the other equipment. You will be quite satisfied since you can loose a few hundred calories in a few minutes but the question is that you can loose even more with the help of the other equipment like the treadmill. They will serve you in a better way.

However the research is going on and you will soon see a much improved aerobic rider in the market. It will definitely be as good as the other equipments like the treadmill and you can use them to full effect.

Ab Machines, What do You Need?

We all want to have good looking, flat and sculptured abs. You will hardly find a person, who doesn't want to have a washboard look. It is especially so nowadays, when mass media constantly show us celebrities with perfect toned abdominals. Unfortunately to get desired six packs is a great problem for quite a number of people. There are some ways to force the desire turn from dream to reality. Working out on your abs is necessarily. Abdominal machines can help you in achieving your aim and gain six pack abs fast

Crunch machines are good enough for training out because they help obtain proper form and give its user some challenge and this challenge is bigger than the one you get from simple floor crunches. Don't forget that all these old fashioned floor crunches are really difficult and not easy to perform and especially to perform correctly. Abdominal machines make you training more easy and pleasant; they give really good results and help to get your six packs quicker. Training on ab machines is not boring and not so difficult to perform.

Abdominal machines vary from really high-tech to quite low-tech, simple machines, but the best abdominal equipment all pack a punch. Quality is the main thing in a machine and so, too, is the capability to help the user to obtain a good form during exercising.

Such machines as ab crunch boards help to make this form of training much easy to perform and they can help to obtain results in a fraction of the time floor routine can produce them in. By helping a trainer to hold the legs and feet in the correct position for a more efficient abdominal training, boards are great for getting desired results. They are also quite good in preventing back injuries and help to avoid the risk of useless training movements, thus will save your time and health.

It is really a terrible and nasty thing to spend a half an hour working out the abdominal muscles and then finding out that your positioning was wrong, and so you training wasn't as efficient as you have expected. It is not pleasant to realize that you have simply wasted your time.

Of course abs workout. are not some sort of magic against all problems, but if you take care of abs workout properly - then it will will serve you the right way.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fit4Sale Tiene el Mejor Equipo Ejercicio en el Mundo!

Nuestra meta es ofrecer equipos de calidad, servicio al cliente y precios comprables! Nuestra filosofía es poner nuestros clientes primero. Quiere decir manejable y en control de las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Fit4sale a convertido instalaciones para clientes en varios sectores de la industria, incluyendo: Hospitalidad; Deportes Colegial y Profesional; Educación y Recreación; Desarrollo de propiedad y mantenimiento; Corporaciones; Municipales y Organizaciones de Gobierno; Organizaciones de Medical, Salud y Bienestar; y, Club Privados. Esta sección será el área de reciente noticias donde nuestros clientes podrán ver las más recientes actualizaciones el equipo y otra información relacionada en ayuda al éxito de su viaje a mejor sano.

Nuestra filosofía es poner nuestros clientes primero. Quiere decir manejable y en control de las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Fit4sale toma orgullo en proveer asistencia personal el cliente, desde su presupuesto asta el diseño del club y colocación de equipo de ejercicio.

Hemos estado consultando equipo de ejercicio por más de 14 años en los Estados Unidos Americanos, Canadá, México, Europa, Asia, Del Sur América y casi en todos los lados en donde personas quieren ponerse en forma. Confiamos de nuestras referencias como la mejor fuente de negocio y sabemos que es mantener nuestros clientes 100% satisfechos. Fit4sale proporciona todo el mejor equipo comercial de marca en la industria así como Cybex, Life Fitness, Stairmaster, Star Trac, Icarian, Bodymaster, Precor y Muchas marcas más. Nuestra compañía proporciona equipo de ejercicio relatado en productos para Clubs de salud, estudio, hoteles, instalaciones de rehabilitación, escuelas, y individuos privados. Si no tenemos lo que busca, prometemos hacer lo más posible por encontrarlo al mejor precio. Nuestros lugares de compra nos permite estar al tanto de los modelos mas actuales en deseno y tecnología.

Nuestra compañía se especializa en abastecimiento a ti y a tu negocio con los mejores equipos de ejercicio usados y reconstruidos al mejor precio en la industria. Nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente esta para ti y feliz mente te asistirá en todo el proceso de tu compra. Empesar en trayectoria de ser mas sano no es solo un capricho, es una forma de vida, y para empezar necesitas el mejor equipo de ejercicio que puedes encontrar, y es en lo que Fit4Sale se enfoca. Nosotros también tenemos experiencia extensa en clientes internacionales, y exceder sus expectaciones es nuestra meta. Ofrecemos envió gratis a nuestros clientes en Canadá, México, y Europa. Que es lo que esperas? Checa todo el equipo de ejercicio que tememos de ofrecer.

Fit4Sale es usted numero uno fuente de equipo ejercicio in el Estados Unidos, Canada, y Europa. Tienen el experiencia se diga el mejor experencia de cliente in el mundo! Escoja Fit4Sale para usted todos los ejercicios necesitas.