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Monday, August 20, 2012

Fitness Improves Children's Academics

According to Sudish Srikanth, a researcher and student from the University of North Texas, fitter children perform better academically. Srikanth presented these findings recently to the American Psychological foundation. The research used tests on 1,211 students from five Texas middle schools. The research accounted for influencing factors like confidence in ability, socioeconomic status, social support, fitness and body composition. The researchers knew from experience that socioeconomic status and confidence would play an important role in test results, but wanted to find out the influence of other factors.

The discoveries made from this study matched what other researchers had found - kids who were fit tended to do better than those who were not fit. The research findings are considered preliminary as they have yet to go through the peer review process. Trent Petrie, PhD, who is director of the Center for Sport Psychology at the University of North Texas says, "Physical fitness is associated with improvements in memory, concentration, organization, and staying on task."

Parents and school officials are urged to take the results of these studies seriously. If academic performance is as closely associated to physical fitness as is being suggested, physical education courses and outdoor activities may be just as important as math and science classes. Used fitness equipment can be purchased for schools during bad weather months so that students can stay fit all year round. Parents should encourage their children to play outdoors more often and participate in team sports activities.

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