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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pull-Up Bars

If you're looking to get into shape from home one product you must invest in is a pull up bar. If you live in an apartment or you just don't want to ruin your home walls screwing a pull up bar into them, I highly recommend you purchase the "iron gym". The bar is easy to install and you just slide it on any door wall. I suggest you take a look at some YouTube videos to see how it works. If you really don't mind, any type of pull up bar can work. Investing in an pull up bar will make home workouts far more intense and effective. Check out the list below of what you can do with a pull up bar.

Pull ups- This is a fantastic way to train your lats. The lats are the muscle responsible for giving people that wide back look. This exercise also works your middle back and biceps. This should be your #1 go to exercise to do on the pull up bar.

Chin ups- This exercise also primarily works the lats. The biggest difference between this and pull ups is that chin ups have far more emphasize on arms. Chin ups are known to work the biceps and forearms. If your looking to work your arms more then your back then you would want to do these.

These two alone are enough to make it worth buying. There is no other body weight exercises that could work your whole back as effectively as these two do. In addition to the back workout it also becomes an arm workout. If you don't have a barbell or dumbbells at home chin ups are a great alternative for working out arms. If you are serious about working out from home then I highly recommend you buy yourself a pull up bar.

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