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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ways to Fight the Fat

Many of us fall into the same mistakes when it comes to trying to be healthy. Here are five typical pitfalls people face when trying to lose weight and stay healthy, and some simple solutions to solve them. Staying fit and healthy is about more than just using the right exercise equipment.

1. Losing Control With Your Buddies. To solve this problem, offer healthy choices if you are having friends over at your place. If you are out, try and stay on the healthy side, as many restaurants offer low calorie and low fat options on the menu. Many states even mandate that restaurants show the nutrition facts of their items. When you have almost had too much to eat, grab a piece of chewing gum which will allow your stomach to tell your body you are full.

2. Late-Night Snacking. Late-night food cravings and urges are common for all of us. After a certain time at night, our bodies drop in blood sugar levels, which means it will begin to crave sugar. To help ease your overloading, always eat at the kitchen table and buy individual snack packs of your favorite items. The harder it is to get at the food the less likely you will be to consume it.

3. Junk Food at the Office. The key to this dilemma is to bring your own food. If you find yourself unable to resist the treats at the office, go on short walks during your breaks and lunch period.

4. Family Dinners. Break away from tradtition and bring a unique dish that is both healthy and appealing. Pile your plate with fruits and veggies and only take small amounts of the things you really love!

5. Binging After a Workout. Eat something before your workout! A combo of protein and carbs beforehand will prevent you blood sugar from dipping during a workout, which will prevent you from consuming more than your burned.

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