Fit4sale provides all the top commercial brands in the industry such as Cybex, Life Fitness, Stairmaster, Star Trac, Icarian, Bodymaster, Precor and many more. Our company provides equipment and fitness related products for Health clubs, Studios, hotels, rehabilitation facilities, schools and private individuals. If we do not have what you are looking for, we will promise you that we will do our best to find the fitness equipment you need at the lowest possible price.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Looking for Discount Fitness Equipment

There are four great places to look for the discount exercise equipment you have chosen. Whether you are buying new fitness equipment or are eager to save even more buy checking out used equipment, these will work for you.

1) Local Fitness Equipment Retail Stores. Stores will often have sales, discontinued models and returned items. Not only that, they will often have a bulletin board where notices can be places for used items for sale, You may also put up a want ad notice. Sales personnel may also be aware of people who have equipment for sale.

2) Local Health Clubs. Health clubs routinely turn over their equipment, they maintain it well and their equipment will be deeply discounted because of heavy use. If you were planning to use this equipment for a health club, you probably should avoid this avenue. However, this equipment should be perfect for a home gym.

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